The CHERISH project is de-rived from the observation that sustainability is often ad-dressed in VET education in a simplistic manner. It is therefore fundamental that this subject area is correctly delivered within VET system through providing VET pro-viders with the knowledge, innovative tools and best practice methods of promoting Sustainable management of Non Reproductible Goods (NRGs). Funded by Erasmus+ under Key Action 2, Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices,CHERISH Project is aimed at providing VET teachers with a coherent set of informations and a teaching programme focused on the valorization and sustainable management of Non-Reproducible Goods (NRGs).
The interactive teaching program program will consist of didactic modules with a strong European profile and with particular regard to sustainable tourism. Modules will be designed, using ECVET criteria, to help teachers raise awareness and develop a pro-active attitude among their students in the sustainable development of Europe.One of the most innovative aspects of CHERISH is the strong interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral character of the project, enabling a synergy between training, scientific research and enterprises.Our project team will work together to develop innovative tools for trainers and teachers to integrate valorization and sustainable management of NRGs in Vocational Education and Training.The Cherish has started in November 2019 and will last for two years.
The CHERISH project scored 94/100 in the final evaluation and, thus, has been selected as a "Good Practice" at European Level in the Erasmus+ context.
This achievement is reported in the page dedicated to the project in the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform.
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